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Help Keep the Pantry Open

Help Keep the Pantry Open

59 Supporters
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Basic Needs is powered by you!

Help us fight student hunger and homelessness at Chico State. Your gift today provides essential support for 7,000 students who rely on Basic Needs services to continue their education.

As a junior double majoring in Cell & Molecular Biology and Microbiology, Jasmine balances being both a student and parent. She couldn't have continued her education without support from the Basic Needs program and the Hungry Wildcat Food Pantry:

"The Hungry Wildcat Food Pantry has been such a huge blessing to my family! The beginning of last year, I found out my husband and I were expecting, and ever since, I began stocking up on diapers and wipes from the pantry!! Even baby detergents were donated! The Pantry is one thing that helps make being a student and a mom a little bit easier. The money it has saved us for groceries and baby supplies is beyond helpful. Thank you so much to everyone that makes this Pantry available to us daily!"

How will donations be used?

  • $20 provides 120 cans of chicken soup
  • $50 provides a Wildcat Pantry Kitchen Starter Kit
  • $100 provides 15 hot meals for a hungry student
  • $200 provides diapers for a student parent in need
  • $500 provides 1 month of transitional housing for a unhoused student so they can finish their degree
  • $1,500 sponsors 1 MSW social work intern for one semester to assist homeless students

When you support Basic Needs, you're making a difference in the lives of many Chico State students and joining a tradition of giving back.

Why are donations necessary?

Established in 2016, Chico State Basic Needs’ mission is to improve student success and positively engage the community through the provision of healthy food, emergency grants, financial literacy counseling, transitional housing, wellness programming and policy advocacy for students experiencing food insecurity, hunger, disasters, unstable housing, homelessness and poverty. High food (50%) and housing (20%) insecurity amongst students are symptoms of high levels of unmet financial need, inadequate financial aid and financial stress resulting in barriers to degree attainment and healthy communities - paramount for economic growth.

This year, we will serve 7,000 students and distribute enough food to make more than 120,000 healthy meals with an estimated student value of $600,000. Half of the inventory (50,000 lbs) is donated through Feeding America, regional food banks, farmers, businesses and individuals. The Wildcat Pantry will purchase $25,000 worth of organic produce direct from the University Farm this year. Through the Rapid Re-housing Partnership Grant, Basic Needs manages a five-bed, short-term emergency shelter and three community houses through Chico Housing Action Team (CHAT) to prevent student homelessness. This year, RRH partners will provide an estimated $100,000 in rental assistance to house 50 formerly homeless students. Chico State Basic Needs has sheltered 300 students experiencing homelessness since 2016.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!

  • - $111.0

  • - $700.0

  • - $11.0

  • - $100.0

  • - $250.0

  • - $3000.0

  • - $15.0

  • - $1000.0

  • - $50.0

  • - $50.0

  • - $25.0

  • - $100.0

  • - $250.0

  • - $50.0

  • - $25.0

  • - $50.0