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Chico Rocketry and Aerospace Club

Build a Rocket With Rocketry!

16 Supporters
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Our program aims to create a hands-on engineering-based experience for our club members. Our club competes on the international playing field at Spaceport America Cup where we strive to push the limits of high power rocketry. Through finding new and innovative experiments to put on our rockets, we hope to improve and even discover new ideas, methods, and systems that will affect the aerospace community. Our members hope to bring Chico States engineering department the recognition it deserves.

How will donations be used?

- Motor for the Rocket $1,867

- Body of the Rocket: $450

- Rocket Recovery Systems (Parachutes!): $157

- Nose Cone: $150

- Fasteners: $15

* All donations provided will be used on our competition rocket for the Spaceport America Cup.

Support the Rocketry & Aerospace Club!

The Chico Rocketry and Aerospace Club gives hands-on engineering both at a personal level and as a competition team. Each participant in the club learns to build their own rocket and launches it at Misfit Flats in Nevada. If they are successful they can earn level one and two national rocketry certification. When the students build their own rocket they learn the basics of rocketry: weight distribution, assembly of a rocket motor, simulation runs, and more. The second way, as mentioned above, is our international Spaceport competition held in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. This gives students an opportunity to work as a team to produce a level three rocket which has more complex engineering, such as an avionics system and payload.

Why are donations necessary?

Last year at Spaceport America, we ranked 53rd out of 160 competitors overall and received 8th in Barrowman. We hope that with your donation we can be even more competitive honoring our school and program. Your donation will be used to upgrade our rocket. Donations of any size make a difference. A large donation can help us buy a more powerful motor to reach new heights. A small donation buys fasteners which hold the rocket together providing the difference between a rocket that breaks apart in the air or holds together to complete the mission. Donating to our club literally means, The Sky’s the limit!

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!

  • - $500.0

  • - $200.0

  • - $100.0

  • - $25.0

  • - $250.0

  • - $50.0

  • - $100.0

  • - $20.0

  • - $100.0

  • - $25.0

  • - $20.25

  • - $500.0