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College of Business Greatest Needs

College of Business Greatest Needs

16 Supporters
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Your gifts to the College of Business are an investment that directly impacts the success of our studentsprograms, and faculty. You give us an essential complement to our base of state funding that furthers our commitment to academic excellence. Indeed, your actions today decide our reputation tomorrow.

Our fundraising goals focus on maximizing the quality of our faculty, the strength of our programs, and the success of our students.

The following priority investment areas have been identified in the college’s strategic plan and give you a broad collection of support opportunities:

  1. Faculty Fellowships: the best demonstration of commitment to our students is creating education and training programs that closely track modern business practices and align with state-of-the-art business research. Investing in high-quality faculty and enabling them to stay current in their fields is the most direct and cost-effective way to achieve this goal. When you help fund permanent endowments to support faculty fellowships it enables the College of Business to attract and retain the top-notch academic talent it needs–today and for the future.
  2. Student Success: students are the core asset of the College of Business. The college benefits from your support in additional scholarship and program funding to facilitate students’ timely progression toward graduation, make college degrees more affordable, offer tutoring to build an understanding of foundational and advanced coursework, and help students gracefully transition from earning their degree into meaningful job placements in the real world.
  3. Facilities Improvements: a modernized program needs modernized equipment and teaching environments. The College of Business needs your help to invest in classroom renovations, technology upgrades, and new spaces for instruction and collaboration. This will ensure the College of Business facilities are in tune with the most advanced private and public sector working environments, resulting in world-class research, innovative teaching methods, and ready-to-work students.

Support Business Students' Greatest Needs!

With your help, our students receive the tools and master the skills that help them become industry leaders. Graduates stand out for their academic accomplishments, but also for their social and collaboration skills that are an ingrained part of the Chico Experience. 

Our faculty is the source of student inspiration. Their talent within the classroom combined with their accessibility to students beyond the classroom means that teachers become mentors. Faculty also lead in research. They study complex business challenges that impact everything from profit margins to customer satisfaction and start-up success rates.

Why are donations necessary?

Your charitable contributions allow us to stretch our programs beyond the ordinary and into the innovative, to give students access to real-world challenges and experiences that make them more marketable upon graduation, and to sustain a top-notch faculty that earns straight A’s in teaching, mentoring, research and community engagement.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!

  • - $45000.0

  • - $1000.0

  • - $250.0

  • - $50.0

  • - $50.0

  • - $10000.0

  • - $1500.0

  • - $100.0

  • - $100.0

  • - $50.0

  • - $100.0

  • - $500.0

  • - $100.0