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Community Legal Information Clinic (CLIC)

Community Legal Information Clinic (CLIC)

73 Supporters
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The Community Legal Information Clinic (CLIC) was started in 1970 and has been providing legal information to students and community members for 55 years. We are fundraising for CLIC to continue to facilitate opportunities for students to assist community members with legal help. CLIC provides clinical experience for students seeking a hands-on involvement in an on-campus legal clinic while providing free legal information to clients in the North State and beyond. Almost 150 students provide legal information to approximately 10,000 clients each year.


We want to continue to do this work and need the help in covering our overhead costs. Office supplies, postage, and legal material costs are increasing each year. Please support our students and our North State community by helping CLIC meet its vital mission.

How will donations be used?

If you donated to our cause last year, we appreciate your overwhelming generosity! We ask you again for your support and we appreciate anything you are able to donate!

One of CLIC's main focus this year will be to implement trauma informed practices into our client interviews. A donation of $2500 to our campaign will help us achieve this goal!

In addition to this, these are what other donation amounts can help us fund:

  • $20 provides student supplies for a CLIC intern each semester.

  • $50 will pay for a case of paper for printing and copying legal material.

  • $175 will pay for our postage for one month

  • $400 will pay for eBooks, guides, and other training materials

  • $500 will pay for all of our Directors’ CLIC Polo Shirts. 

Support the Community Legal Information Clinic!

Ten Things You Should Know About CLIC:

  1. CLIC has moved into a brand new office custom designed for us!
  2. CLIC has operated continuously for 55 years since it opened its doors in 1970. We are celebrating our 55th anniversary this year!
  3. CLIC is comprised of eleven programs: Chico Consumer Protection Agency; County Jail Law Project; Disability Law Project; Defense Equity Project; Family Law; Housing Law; Student Law Services/Juvenile Rights; Penal Law Program; Misdemeanors, Tickets, and Traffic; Women’s Law and Workers’ Rights.
  4. Academic Service Learning and Civic Engagement internships are provided to approximately 150 students, earning almost 650-course units each year.
  5. CLIC provides assistance to approximately 10,000 clients each year.
  6. CLIC students log about 25,000 hours each year.
  7. CLIC students had the opportunity to attend a two-day Criminal Defense Seminar in San Francisco.
  8. In addition to internship opportunities, 20 student directors are selected each year to assist in the daily administration of the programs; these directors learn valuable leadership skills.
  9. Our Penal Law Project took 20 students to tour the San Quinten Rehabilitation Center in the Fall of 2024!
  10. CLIC students have been admitted to law schools across the country including Yale, Georgetown, UC Berkeley, UC Hastings, and Santa Clara University, among many others. Our Alumni have gone on to serve as judges in California, Oregon, and Idaho and attorneys with corporations such a Facebook and the Judicial Counsel of California.
  11. Of our almost 150 students each year, many students offer bilingual services to clients.

Why are donations necessary?

Your donation to CLIC will provide a meaningful life experience for a student and will provide much needed legal information resources to the north state community and beyond!

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!

  • - $30.0

  • - $50.0

  • - $100.0

  • - $5.0

  • - $25.0

  • - $50.0

  • - $50.0

  • - $50.0