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Computer Animation and Game Development

64 Supporters
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Computer Animation and Game Development's focus is on providing students with the skills necessary for success in the technically challenging fields of Gaming and Animation. Your donation will allow CAGD to build relationships with industry experts. Please contribute to the solution by helping to create opportunities for networking with industry professionals who will provide constructive criticism about our resources during classroom visits, and share their experience and expertise. Donations to this fund will provide opportunities for CAGD's students, faculty, and program to grow and learn; therefore, improving the Chico Experience for all in our department.

How will donations be used?

Donations will help fund travel, lodging and venue costs associated with bringing industry professionals to Chico State.

Help Connect CAGD's students to Industry

Keeping students connected with the Gaming and Animation industry is a challenge in Chico due to the distance between our campus and the main hubs for both industries. 
Your donation will allow CAGD to host industry experts for panels and classroom visits which expand and strengthen the existing links between our faculty, students, and industry experts. 
Each donation brings us that much closer to our goal of covering the costs of travel and lodging we need to bring talented industry professionals to meet face-to-face with our students. Your donation will help us open doors toward our students' career paths. 

Why are donations necessary?

The external funds are necessary to cover travel, lodging and venue costs; this will provide the CAGD Wildcats the opportunity to meet and learn from industry professionals.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!

  • - $ 5000.00

  • - $ 20.00

  • - $ 50.00

  • - $ 100.00

  • - $ 10.00

  • - $ 200.00

  • - $ 50.00

  • - $ 100.00

  • - $ 50.00

  • - $ 50.00

  • - $ 20.00

  • - $ 100.00

  • - $ 10.00

  • - $ 10.00

  • - $ 5.00

  • - $ 5.00

  • - $ 15.00

  • - $ 10.00

  • - $ 10.00

  • - $ 20.00