The disciplines in the College of
Humanities and Fine Arts—art, comparative religion and humanities, English,
history, languages and cultures, music, theatre, and dance, and philosophy—afford us
universal ways of connecting with each other. Students who study the humanities
and fine arts relate to others and nurture through compassion and
understanding. They foment social change; make moral, spiritual, and
intellectual sense of the world; weigh evidence and multiple perspectives
critically; and investigate ideas that have shaped and continue to shape our world.
How will donations be used?
- Co-curricular
activities: Learning beyond the classroom is vital to student success. Your
donation helps offset the costs associated with students participating in
activities such as study abroad, enrichment and training programs like CSU
Summer Arts, or presenting their work at symposiums, conferences, onstage,
or in galleries.
- Basic needs: We all do our best when our
basic needs are being met. Your donation goes toward retention and
persistence efforts, activities, or needs that provide holistic support to
students so they can thrive.
- Hands-on technology: Our hands-on approach
in the classroom and through student internships provides students with
professional experience that has impacts beyond our campus. Your donation
means we can provide access to industry-standard tools and technology that
allows students to execute professional quality assignments and projects.
- Building connections: Students yearn for a sense
of community and belonging, a space where they can hold meaningful conversations
or simply be. Your donation supports networking events, presentations, or
workshops among student cohorts, alumni, visiting scholars, and
Support the HFA Dean's Fund for Excellence!
The College of Humanities and Fine Arts is the artistic and cultural heart of Chico State. HFA is home to students majoring in disciplines in our seven departments and a home away from home to thousands more who take courses in languages and literatures, history, philosophy, religion, and the visual and performing arts to meet many General Education requirements. This means your support will be felt campuswide.
Your donation directly supports HFA students, and we appreciate every dollar. Here's just a sample of how you can help:
- $2,500 – Sponsor an HFA event like our Graduation Celebration, Scholarship Presentation, or Awards Reception to celebrate student excellence.
- $750 – Fund a Dean’s Excellence Award for one student to help defray the costs of presenting their research and/or creative work.
- $500 – Co-sponsor a student organization’s cultural field trip like a visit to the DeYoung Museum.
- $150 – Provide a venue for a student social event like De-Stress Fest or HFA Skate Night.
- $100 – Defray the costs of conference fees, transportation, and lodging expenses for a student presenter.
- $59 – Provide a per diem for one day of travel for a student presenting their scholarship or creative work at a conference.
Why are donations necessary?
In HFA we take great pride in helping
students develop soft and hard skills through curricular, co-curricular, and
pre-professional experiences that prepare our students to become conscientious
and informed citizens who uplift our communities. The support we provide our
students today — made possible by your generous donation — uniquely positions
them to succeed and, in turn, make the world a better place. As they become
educators, historians, lawyers, editors, authors, artists, musicians, and
entrepreneurs — tomorrow’s change makers— we all benefit.